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Smiling Doctor
Woman & Doctor
Nurse Checking Girl

A&B Billing Associates was founded by Brittany Lindsay. She started her career in medical billing and coding at an anesthesiology & pain management company, where she gained invaluable medical billing and coding expertise. Her passion for healthcare billing helped her to form a company that would help private practice physicians focus on top medical treatments for their patients and remain free from being forced to join large Physician Groups! 


A&B Billing Associates personnel are always available to discuss medical billing topics and answer questions and resolve issues. This organization specializes in medical billing and coding along with credentialing services for various specialties. 


A&B Billing Associates continues to fight for doctors and their patients by staying abreast of the latest changes in the Healthcare Industry. We attend online educational webinars, workshops and traditional classroom courses. With attaining a variety of research tools, we are able to keep in alignment with changes of healthcare laws and regulations (including HIPAA and Medicare) to ensure our medical billing practices are always compliant. By doing this we are able to accomplish our vision for small community practices and regional Physicians free from being forced to join large Healthcare Groups.

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